Пришельцы коллекция

The Visitors Collection

The Visitors (Les Visiteurs) is a French fantasy comedy film directed by Jean-Marie Poiré and released in 1993. In this comedy, a 12th-century knight and his servant travel in time to the end of the 20th century and find themselves adrift in modern society. A sequel, The Visitors II: The Corridors of Time followed in 1998, and an American remake, Just Visiting, made with the same stars, was released in 2001. The Visitors: Bastille Day has been announced with the original cast, for a 2016 release.

Коллекция всех эпизодов Пришельцы онлайн на Эмбликс
Фильм Пришельцы 3: Взятие Бастилии online на emblix
2016, Франция, комедия, фантастика
Фильм Пришельцы 2: Коридоры времени online на emblix
1998, Франция, комедия, семейный, фантастика, фэнтези
Фильм Пришельцы online на emblix
1993, Франция, комедия, фэнтези