Актеры 21
Съемочная группа 2
The Bedside-films is a series of eight feature films directed by John Hilbard in 1970–76, and form part of the wave of erotic films from Denmark. The eight films are connected by the Danish word "sengekant" (bedside) in the title of each film. They were produced by the film company Palladium, starring Danish actor Ole Søltoft in all except Motorvej på sengekanten. All the Bedside-films had many pornographic sex scenes, but were nevertheless considered mainstream films. They all had mainstream casts and crews, and were shown in mainstream cinemas and reviewed in national newspapers etc. The first five, made 1970–73, all featured the actress Birte Tove and were "soft-core". The last three, made 1975 and 1976, after the first of the Zodiac-films were released, all included hard-core scenes and shared many actresses with the Zodiac films, such as Anne Bie Warburg, Vivi Rau and Lisbeth Olsen. The actress Annie Birgit Garde features in all the Bedside-films.

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На emblix (эмбликс) Вы можете смотреть Там должны быть постели 1975 онлайн бесплатно в хорошем качестве 720 1080 HD и отличной озвучкой.
В сюжете повествуется о жизни молодого, красивого, сексуального парня, продающего лампы, от которого уходит жена к своей матери. И он с этого момента начинает вести бурную сексуальную жизнь, заводя любовниц каждый день.
Там должны быть постели / Der må være en sengekant! 1975, Дания, комедия, мелодрама