Американский научно-фантастический приключенческий киносериал, основанный на одноименном романе Майкла Крайтона. События фильмов сконцентрированы на вымышленном острове Исла-Нублар у тихоокеанского побережья Мезоамерики близ Коста-Рики, где филантроп-миллиардер и небольшая группа ученых-генетиков создали парк развлечений со клонированными динозаврами.
Главный персонаж серии — призрачный маньяк-убийца Фредди Крюгер, преследующий подростков в их снах, управляя ими и искажая реальность.
Inside Man is a 2006 American heist thriller film directed by Spike Lee and written by Russell Gewirtz. It centers on an elaborate bank heist on Wall Street over a 24-hour period. The film stars Denzel Washington as Detective Keith Frazier, the NYPD's hostage negotiator, Clive Owen as Dalton Russell, the mastermind who orchestrates the heist, and Jodie Foster as Madeleine White, a Manhattan power broker who becomes involved at the request of the bank's founder, Arthur Case (Christopher Plummer), to keep something in his safe deposit box protected from the robbers. In 2019, a sequel titled Inside Man: Most Wanted was released direct-to-video and streaming on Netflix.

Доисторические приключения.
Monsieur Hulot is a character created and played by French comic Jacques Tati for a series of films in the 1950s and '60s, namely Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot (1953), Mon Oncle (1958), Playtime (1967) and Trafic (1971). The character of Hulot (although played by another actor) also appears briefly in François Truffaut's Bed & Board (1970).

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